Diana Mašlejová - 2024

Diana Mašlejová

Diana Mašlejová was born in 1987 in Bratislava, where she lives, works and raises her son. Diana is a popular Slovak storyteller, literary publicist, co-author of Slovak language textbooks for primary school children and author of various educational projects for primary and kindergarten children. Her book titles include The Lost Bunny in Paris, The Lost Bunny in Iceland, The Animals of Jacob's Hill, The Royal Agents, Stephanie, The Secret Circus and others. She has also published four audiobooks and the radio version of her book The Royal Agents won the prestigious Zázračný oriešok Award and was nominated for an international award. Mašlejová has created several successful educational projects for children - such as From Book to Book, Tin Soldier and others. She also works as a literary journalist, regularly cooperates with Slovak Television and Broadcasting and children's magazines. During her professional career, she has given several hundred talks to children all over Slovakia.