Jakub Spevák - 2024

Jakub Spevák

Jakub Spevák (1996) was born in Malachov. He studied film scriptwriting and dramaturgy at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. He has won awards in literary competitions Poviedka, Akademický Prešov and Medziriadky. He is currently working as a program director and curator at the International Festival of Animated Films Fest Anča. He debuted with the novel After the Funeral (2022), published by KK Bagala and nominated for the Anasoft Litera Award 2023. A collection of texts, Tales of the Coming-Out, was published in late 2022, to which he contributed a short story titled Inherited Sin. He has collaborated as a screenwriter and dramaturg on several films that have screened at international festivals.