Anja Utler - 2025

photo: Aleksandra Pawloff

Anja Utler

Anja Utler (Schwandorf, Germany) is one of the leading poets of her generation. She studied Slavonic and English studies. In 2003 she graduated from the University of Regensburg with a degree in Russian Lyric Poetry. She lives as a freelance poet in Vienna. She has published the books of poetry münden - entzüngeln (mouthing - unmouthing, 2004), and brinnen (2006). Among the many awards she has received is the Leonce-und-Lena-Preis for lyric poetry and the prize of the German Schiller Foundation. In addition to reading at the Novotvar festival, she will also prepare a translation workshop for students of German language.

Anja Utler's appearance at Novotvar is kindly supported by the Volkswagen Slovakia Foundation as part of the Literary Salon series.