Pavel Kolmačka - 2024

Pavel Kolmačka

01. 06. 2021

Pavel Kolmačka (1962) has degrees in Electrical Engineering and Religious Studies. He has worked as an assistant in an industrial firm, a hospital orderly, a translator, editor, teacher; at present he makes a living translating books and keeping bees. He started publishing samizdat editions in the 1980s, including the collection Básně (Poetry, 1989) with Eweald Murrer, Bohdan Chlíbec and Miroslav Salava. He has published his own poetry collections Vlál za mnou směšný šos (Ridiculous Tails Billowed Behind Me, 1994), Viděl jsi, že jsi (You Saw That You Were. 1998), Moře (Sea, 2010) Wittgenstein bije žáka (Wittgenstein Beats a Pupil, 2014) a Život lidí, zvířat, rostlin, včel (Life of People, Animals, Plants, Bees, 2018), the prose diary Jedna věta (One Sentence, 201) and the novel Stopy za obzor (Traces over Horizon, 2006).

photo by: Dirk Skiba.